
African Equality Centre (AEC) is a Ghanaian-based LGBTI+ led non-profit organization that works for the improvement of social justice, equality and respect for human dignity through advocacy and human rights education programs. And also, focus on empowering the youth to build safe and inclusive communities for the vulnerable.

The organization was founded in 2013 and was legally registered on 25th August 2019. Our aim is to work towards a Ghana where everyone is equal irrespective of sexual orientation, gender or identity.

The Values of African Equality Centre

  • Celebrating and recognizing diversity.
  • Utilizing the diverse backgrounds to empower the youth for positive change in society.
  • Creating equal opportunities to end discrimination.
  • Building stronger communities regardless of gender, race, religion, age, disability or sexuality, to be inclusive.


We exist to improve social justice, equality, respect for human dignity and empower the youth to build safe and inclusive communities for the vulnerable.


To ensure a society that celebrates diversity and acknowledges the dignity of persons and embraces full human rights for all people.

Aim and Objectives

  • To provide peer support and mentoring to community members.
  • To empower members to self-mobilize for their issues that affects the community.
  • To develop awareness campaigns and educate the community on sexual health and rights.
  • To provide support for people in groups and enable them to be more confident in whom they are.  
  • To create safe spaces for the vulnerable.